Sunday, May 23, 2010

White Flint Sector Plan Design Guidelines Out Now

The Planning Department has released the Draft Design Guidelines for the White Flint Sector Plan, and here they are!  The Planning Board will discuss and vote on the Guidelines this coming Thursday, May 27.

White Flint Urban Design Draft Guidelines May2010

...and here is the May 21, 2010 Staff Report that accompanies the Draft Design Guidelines

White_Flint_Design_Guidelines Staff Report May 21, 2010

Paula B.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sectional Map Amendment

Yesterday I attended the public hearing on the White Flint Sectional Map amendment. There was only one speaker with no written testimony, just casual comments. It's interesting that the PHED committee meeting on this is set for the end of July. This is May. I'm curious why there was such a rush to approve White Flint when there appears to be several months to spare.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Metro Report is Public and we have it!

There has been so much going on with Metro, its safety, maintenance, and financing now and for the future that I thought I would roll up the articles that have been published in the neighborhood newspapers to address our question, how exactly will Montgomery County achieve the 50 percent non-auto mode share promised in the White Flint Sector ‘Plan.’ And, according to the ‘Plan’ when will this be achieved? Is there a Plan B in case the 50 percent target is not reached? Well, of course, the second question is easy to answer. No. There is no Plan B. And the corollary question, what then? Answer from the Council: So what. It is only a ‘Plan.’

Most recently, a study was completed describing in some detail the problems with Metro.  The report was presented by David Gunn, General Manager of WMATA from 1991-1994.  Thanks to pushing by Congress to make this report public, including our own Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), the study was made public in late April. And, here it is!
Paula B.

Washington, D.C. Metro Study David Gunn Presentation March 11, 2010

Proposed Sectional Map Amendment for the White Flint Sector Plan

Here you go, folks! The Sectional Map Amendment, to be heard by the Montgomery County, MD Planning Board on Tuesday, May 18th, at 1:30 pm. What great timing for public involvement, in keeping with the philosophy of this Planning Board and Planning Department.  Hold the public hearing in the middle of the afternoon, so no one from the public can attend unless they can take an entire day off.  We expect the room will be filled with the developers, their planners, and their attorneys however. happy days.
Paula B.

Montgomery County MD Sectional Map Amendment for White Flint April 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Proposed New Transportation Policy Area Review

Here is the latest and greatest from our Montgomery County, MD County Executive, Ike Leggett, and MoCo DOT, Edgar Gonzalez and staff.  If you have comments post them here and of course don't hesitate to tell our County Exec, at
Paula B.

Montgomery County, MD Proposed Transportation Policy Area Review 4-19-2010